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Monday, July 14, 2008

Short Movie Review # 16 : Kung Fu Panda

This is the one of the best animation movies ive watched ever, right up there with Monsters Inc., A Sharks Tale and Ice Age 1 and 2.

Po(Jack Blackl) is a rolly polly jolly panda, working grudgingly in his fathers noodle shop. He is crazy about kung fu and dreams of being a great and some kung fu warrior. Alas, he is extremely clumsy, but enthusiastic A series of accidents makes the Master Oogway ( Randall Duk Kim) proclaim Po as the Dragon Warrior, destined to fight and defeat Tai Lung, the evil leopard.

Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) is the master of kung fu, with the Furious Five — Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey ( Jackie Chan) Mantis ( Seth Rogen), Viper ((Lucy Liu), and Crane ((David Cross)) training under him for years, preparing for the battle with Tai Lung, who is after the Dragon Scroll, giving the holder unending powers.

What follows is an absolute visual treat, with stunning fight sequences and detailing. The humor is top notch, and the lines suit the characters to the T. The pace never flags, and there are no boring scenes. Almost a spoof at points, the movie makes you laugh when you least expect it to.

A wonderful effort in animation, I expect it to pave the way for more movies to follow in this genre of technical wizardry.

A must see, it leaves you completely satiated in the end.

Rating : 4 stars.

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