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Saturday, July 19, 2008

My favourite English TV shows

Although the joy of watching a blockbuster on the big screen remains unparalleled, TV shows have had their own charm.

While there were some shows I religiously folowed on TV, there were others that I watched later on DVD. While there were some, like The X files, Grays Anatomy, Seinfield, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI, Bones, etc that ive just never gotten around to really watching.

What follows is TV shows that have been special for me, in no particular order of preference.

1. Friends:

It would be a sin to start with any other show. I was introduced to Friends pretty late, around the time Season 8 was being aired in India for the first time. Im not going to tell you how good the show is, cause if you haven't watched Friends, you are probably not human, which is scary !!!

Ross and Monica have been extra special, with Ross' diction and Monica's hotness + quirky mannerisms. The last ever scene when the camera pans around the apartment and then finally on the 6 keys lying on the table, haunts me till date.

The last I heard they were supossed to get back for a 2 hour Thanksgiving special, and then star in a Friends movie together.

We are still waiting.

2. The Wonder Years:

If Friends was funny, The Wonder Years was heart wrenching. Somehow, the voice - was so perfect, that you relived your own childhood in every episode. I remember coming back from School just when it used to start on Star TV at 4 pm. Dad used to sit next to me and watch it and quickly change the channel when Kevin and Winnie started to cosy up. Bad influence, he used to say.

I do not remember a single episode, where I have not had a moist eye at the end.

3. Street Hawk :

This was another classic, a serial way ahead of its times. I do not remmber a great deal about it, but the when the guy used to press the turbo button on the Street Hawk, I used to feel the rush of wind in my chair !

4. Knight Rider:

David Hasselhoff's claim to fame. The car had us drooling. The show is being revived now, with great production values. Ive managed to get a hand on the 2 hour pilot episode, and it looks good !

5. The Crystal Maze:
This was one fun show, where you almost played along with the contestants. I remember the bald host, Richard O Brien screaming towards the end "Can we start the fans please !!!! ". And the way everyone stood in a line, stiff and erect, in their coloured suits ,waiting to be addressed by him. During its heyday, Crystal Maze was the number 1 programme on Channel 4, raking in something between 4 and 6 million viewers


You might not even have heard of this serial, and since it was dubbed in Hindi, maybe it shouldnt appear here. But the sheer ridiculousness of the cute little green alien made this a lot of fun to watch.

7. Prison Break :

Ive only just started watching it on DVD, and the first 6 episodes have left me SPELLBOUND. This is almost better than most movies Ive seen. By the end of season 3, I gues ill have more to say.

A post on my favourite hindi shows will follow...... watch this space.....

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