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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Its not really fate, mate !

I hate it when good or bad things happen to people and they say, "It's fate". Unless you actually know what your fate really is, you cant be sure. A few years ago, my friend has written a piece on time travel. What it said was that you will never really appreciate time unless you have the ability to see yourself from an outside perspective. From HIS perspective.

Similarly, unless you came across a neat little black book that said that you were meant to be a doctor, only then can you safely say "Yes, it is fate." But who really knows? Maybe you were meant to be a lawyer, or a scuba diver. But the decisions you made, lead to a cascade of events that made you a doctor.

We dont know what our destiny is, and that makes life really unpredictable. As is the cliche in numerous movies like "The Minority Report" or "The Matrix" , you always have a choice. Your choices ultimately lead you to where you will go. To say that even the choices we make our pre-ordained is a pretty pessimistic and depressing thought.

So the next time you hear the words.. "Oh I was meant to do this/that" OR "Oh this was meant to happen", you know what to do !

P.S. Smirk, and proceed to give them a dose of the above :-)


Unknown said...

yes we do have choices...we should be bold enough to accept whatever the outcome of our decisions, n not just blame it on fate...although it can be very comforting attimes..

Unknown said...

those are one of my fav movies..can watch'em a 100 times..

Anonymous said...

Nice one Rohit...but from my view point its not always "blaming" or being "pessimitic" when we talk of destiny or fate..rather its more so appreciating about certain hidden variables in life which the human mind as an individual cannot fully understand or comprehend..and if we can appreciate that fact..i think its easier to enjoy life as a journey or treasure hunt..hope aint got too philosophical tc:-)

Anonymous said...

after reading ur entire history .....i think the word history is too rude.....watever it may be writee a book and publish its name

Superdoc said...

Dear 'optics of human eye',

Thanks a lot for all your comments !

But who are you?



Anonymous said...

omg i read this yest i dont know wat made me think u havent written since long.....anyways i hvnt seen both the movies but i vill make it a point to see them back to back today night.......but thats if my assignments give me time to breathe.... nways nice to c ur reply

Superdoc said...

Thats great, but who are you ?

Anonymous said...

i have replied u via mail...but i guess u havent checked it......anyways good day dude....and have a nice evening

Superdoc said...

No I havent got it... U sure you sent it to