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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Super-Me !

Ive always been fascinated by superheroes and the amazing things they can do. And I have always struggled with this scenario: 'If given a choice, of getting one superpower, which one would it be?

Every time I go on a 'JD style' imaginary journey, which somehow ends with me regretting the choice I make. I mean there are so many kickers to every superpower. Does that superpower let me maintain my present identity? How long will it last for? Is it reversible?

Ive been tempted to opt for the power to fly. But since I do not have any other power, will I really be able to take the extreme temperatures? What about flying out of the earths atmosphere. That would mean a very messy end to my short super-powered life.

I always wanted to be invisible. But then , would I be able to pass though things and also be able to touch them at will (a la Ghost)) ? would I be heard? Would I have to wear clothes? Questions, questions.

How about the ability to control metal? Nah. Unless I want to be a crack architect, I couldn't really have too much fun this one.

The ability to spin webs? Uuugh. I wonder how Spidey keeps his chin up.

The ability to heal my wounds? Sure, but Id have to join the army to be of any real use and that would be that for my secret identity.

The power to heal someone else's wounds? As a doctor Id be the toast of the entire world. But... errrrrr.. Something's missing.

The power to control weather? Naaah, I love the unpredictability pg the Pune weather too much. Besides, I want to know how the whole global warming theory pans out.

Super-sight? Super-hearing? So. So.

Shape-shifting? Tele-kinesis ? Hmmmm.

The power to absorb other superheroes' powers like Peter Petrelli of Heroes? That would be dumb, as I would have to keep searching for them.

The power to understand how anything works like Sylar in Heroes? Messy, as then Id get an uncontrollable urge to kill other superheroes and understand how they use their abilities.

Then I realize, that in this world, with no other super heroes and no super villains, choosing any one power from the list above, would rather complicate my life.

Sad as my choice is, Id rather prefer to stay as I am, rather than risk the tremendous frustration that would no doubt befall me once I realize that I have chosen the wrong superpower.

On the other hand, if GOD allows me to put down certain conditions, this is what Id choose:

The power of time travel, with unlimited rewind-forward ability and the safeguard that none of my actions would ever threaten my own existence.

Wow ! That would be awesome. I'm off on my imaginary trip again. And this time it wont end in regret. And even if if does, ill simply go back in time !

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